The primary purpose of this site
is to help facilitate a renewed sense of TRUE social populism
within the people of this country,
and to help realize
a renewed sense of community
with all of our global brothers and sisters.

We are ALL human,
and we ALL share the SAME biosphere.
We need to realize that
Every single one of us,


Now if we can accept that basic premise,
then it makes no sense
to continue isolating ourselves
from the rest of the world.

As far as I see it,
we have one Earth.
We are all one people who share this Earth.
We cannot continue to hold on to
outdated notions and world views.

in the sense of US at the expense of THEM,
is an outdated notion and world view,
and it has to go the way of the dinosaurs.

It has too.

This site hopes to contribute to this conversation in part
by being a place for the sharing and understanding
of our mostly forgotten American history,
And remembering how THAT history,
with all its flaws and abuses,
has within it the keys to our own salvation.

One of the biggest misconceptions in our country,
is that the Constitution is the authority that governs we the people.

Not true.

Think about it.

The Constitution is a framework for the operation of government.
Nothing more.
We the People created the Constitution
in order to keep our newly created government
from recreating King George,
or even a King Trump.

Think about this.

Our authority as popular sovereigns
was declared to King George
and the rest of the world
in the Declaration of Independence,
which makes it our TRUE founding document,
Not for anarchy,
but for government and the Rule of Law.
For the BENEFIT of the People.

Now I hear many arguments on the left, AND on the right,
against embracing a Constitutionally-based or "founder"-based ideology.
And the reasons are all sound.
After all,
these documents were all drafted by rich white men
looking at keeping themselves that way.

No one's arguing that,
or the fact that the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence
are far from perfect.
But we can repair the Constitution.
And in allowing our biases to control the debate,
we miss one vital point.

It doesn't matter, why or who,
wrote the Declaration of Independence.
What matters, is that it exists.

The mere fact that
the Declaration of Independence
sits enshrined under glass at the National Archives
is evidence enough to show the document for what it is,
our country's founding document,
and our original, enduring authority.


The Constitution does not govern the people.
The Constitution is the document that WE created
to control the activity and scope of government.

Nothing more.

Many will argue that the mere presence
of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution
somehow equates to a list of rules defining the behavior of the people.
A strict reading of the Declaration of Independence refutes that premise.
However, there is further evidence supporting the position
that it is the People,
NOT the government,
and certainly not the corporations,
that hold the primary authority in this country.

The Federalist Papers
were written by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison
but they contain many of the arguments
that the delegates to the
First and Second Constitutional Conventions engaged in.
THE agenda item of utmost concern to ourĀ "Founders"
was the prevention of Tyranny
and the preservation of freedom for the People.
The Bill of Rights
does not define or limit OUR behavior,
as many assume.

The Bill of Rights
were only added to our Constitution
to remind our newly created government
NOT to overstep its delegated authority.

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We The People Network
Sheep No More Media